
How do I raise a cancellation and rescheduling request on the ITILITE platform?

Step 1:  Navigate to the trip dashboard and select the trip you want to reschedule or cancel.

Step 2: After clicking on the trip id, the trip section will expand, displaying the “Reschedule Booking” and “Cancel Booking” buttons.

Cancellation :

Step 3. If you want to cancel the booking, click on the “Cancel Booking” button. You will be redirected to the cancellation request form where you must select the traveler and the specific sector that needs to be canceled.

Step 4: Once you have selected the sector and the traveler, you can view the cancellation charges and refund amount by clicking “View Cancellation Charges”.

Step 5: This section displays the booking amount, cancellation charges, and refund amount. You can proceed to cancel the order by clicking on the “Continue to Cancel” button.

Should cancellation charges not be available at the moment,the following screen would be displayed .

You can request the cancellation charges over email by clicking “ Get Cancellation Charges over email “ button . In the event that you wish to cancel the sector without checking the cancellation details, you can still click the “Continue to Cancel” button.

Step 6: A final confirmation screen will pop up asking if you want to go ahead with the cancellation. Click “Yes”, if you want to. Else, click “No”.

Step 7 : Upon confirmation, the cancellation request will be processed and you will receive a confirmation email.

Reschedule :

Step 1: In the trip details, select “Reschedule Booking” to raise a reschedule request

Step 2:  Select the traveler or the sector for which you want to reschedule the booking. Mention the new dates and any specific preferences you have for rescheduling the booking in the remarks section

After you have entered all the required information, click on the Submit button. ITILITE support team will contact you over email with the available options and the fare difference for the reschedule request

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