Here Comes the Travel Manager 4.0!

Role of Travel Manager

BIG changes that will change the game in the New Normal

This article was based on a talk by ITILITE Founder & CEO Mayank Kukreja, at ITB Asia about the future of travel for the new world.

2020 has been eventful, but apart from all the personal impact we have seen, there has been an equally major upheaval in the travel industry. Small changes that we all thought would be “Nice to have” have suddenly become huge problems which we “Need to solve”.

At the centre of this is the Travel Manager

Over time the role of the travel manager has undergone many changes. From pure transaction managers, to manned & unmanned system managers, to technology & process owners, they have grown to a height of success today.

With these new and unforeseen changes, however, every smart travel manager knows that this is time to make another change. But this time, the change is not for them and their roles alone. The huge shift we see in the travel industry today cannot be managed by only the travel manager. They need the strong and upskilled support of their travel tech partners & vendors to take the leap to Travel Manager 4.0.

Evolution of Travel Manager

And there are three areas that demand fixing immediately:

1. Is the Safety you Need a Dump of Rules or a 3-Step To-Do List?

Till today, “Safety Regulations” came to you as links to government websites. You read endless lists & regulations, and came to some conclusion according to your best understanding. Imagine how easy it would be if you got three key points & tracking links right when you were booking instead!

Why is your business travel partner not making safety easy for you?


2. Stuck with Expensive Corporate Deals or Free to Choose Best Rates?

With fluctuation, uncertainty, and the added cost of assured safety, your old tie-ups may not be the most cost efficient. Is your travel partner giving you updated, on-ground guidance to controlling expenses?

Are you paying more when you should be spending less?

3. Guess work or Fact-based Forecasting?

Budget forecasting was a simple mathematical operation, but without historical data, we are all stuck. There are many insights you can still use, but it depends on your travel partner whether you get them in time.

What is your choice – will you decide to build a data-backed forecast?

Nothing about this time is easy, but we must push ourselves and each other – because without a co-planned & supported recovery, we all will have a lot harder of a climb ahead. It’s time to work smart, not hard, and grow fast, not alone!

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