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Downloading Invoices

How do I receive my invoices?

  • The Service Fee Invoice is the invoice for all the subscription fees charged by ITILITE for the transactions executed on its platform. 
  • Credit notes for cancellations will be available on the platform in T+3 days (transaction date + 3 days).

Path to download the invoices, please visit the;

Itilite Dashboard—> Transactions (top panel) → Download Invoices -> Select a particular Date Range   -> Enter a valid trip ID -> Download your invoice 

What should I do if there is a discrepancy in my invoice? 

If you notice any discrepancies in your invoice, please reach out to us within 7 days of the date of the invoice with the details of the discrepancy. We will review your request and work with you to resolve the issue as soon as possible. 

Please note that revision requests will not be entertained after 7 days from the invoice date, so we encourage you to review your invoices promptly upon receipt.

How can I get a refund for the balance in my wallet if I do not wish to use the ITILITE portal anymore?

In case you wish to discontinue using the ITILITE portal, please get in touch with your assigned CSM.

We will initiate the refund process, which typically takes around 30 working days.

Please note that the refund will only be processed for the balance in your wallet and not for any pending or completed bookings. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the refund process, please reach out to your ITILITE account manager for assistance.

Where can I check my current wallet balance/ balance at the month end?

Your wallet balance on the ITILITE dashboard reflects the total amount of funds available in your account for use on the platform. Your current balance is calculated as the sum of your wallet balance and unbilled transactions.Please follow these steps to know your current wallet balance:

  • Visit the ITILITE dashboard 
  • Choose ‘Balance Details’ 
  • Refer to the Current Balance tab to confirm your current balance. 

Your CURRENT BALANCE is a summation of Wallet Balance and Unbilled Transactions. All the unbilled transactions will be added to the wallet balance within T+1 days of the transaction. Any recharge made to the wallet is included in unbilled transactions until it gets added to the wallet balance.


To confirm your wallet balance at the month end, please refer to the  MIS report available on ITILITE Portal.<steps to download/ view the MIS report>

What is an MIS Report? 

An MIS Report provides your company with all relevant travel and traveler details for any travel booked with ITILITE for any particular period. Please visit ITILITE MIS REPORT to continue reading to learn what each column of the MIS report represents. 

>> How should I download my MIS report? 

  • Login to the ITILITE portal
  • Select ‘Balance Details’
  • Select MIS report 
  • Mention the period for which MIS is required to be downloaded (For eg: 1st Jan 2023- 31st Jan 2023)
  • Click Download

Where can I find the details of the trips booked on ITILITE?

Ans. All the details of a particular trip can be found in the MIS report available on the ITILITE dashboard. The MIS report provides a comprehensive overview of all your past bookings, including the trip ID, travel dates, mode of travel, vendor details, and other important information.

Please note that the MIS report is updated on a T+1 basis, meaning that it may take up to one business day for your latest booking information to be reflected in the report. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the details of your past trips or the MIS report, please reach out to

Please click here ITILITE MIS REPORT to continue reading to learn more about the MIS report.

I recharged my wallet, but the funds are not reflecting in my current wallet balance. What should I do?

Any recharge made to the wallet from Monday to Saturday will take up to 3 hours to be reflected in your current wallet balance. Recharges made on Sunday will reflect in your current wallet balance on Monday/the next working day whichever is earlier. If you have recharged your wallet and the funds are not reflecting in your current balance, please wait for a few hours and check your dashboard again.

If the funds still do not reflect in your wallet balance after 2-3 hours, please reach out to for assistance. We will be able to investigate the issue and provide you with an update on the status of your wallet recharge.

Please note that Itilite strives to provide timely and accurate updates to your wallet balance, but there may be occasional delays due to technical or other issues beyond our control. We appreciate your patience and understanding in such situations.

Why am I not able to book or why is my account blocked? 

If you are unable to book on the Itilite platform or your account has been blocked, it is likely that your wallet balance is insufficient to cover the cost of your desired booking. 

Itilite operates on a pre-paid wallet system, which means that you need to have sufficient funds in your wallet to make any bookings on the platform. If your wallet balance is low or has been exhausted, your account may be temporarily blocked until you recharge your wallet with the required amount.

To unblock your account and resume bookings on the ITILITE platform, you will need to recharge your wallet with the required amount. Once your wallet is recharged, you will be able to make bookings on the platform again.

How can I update/set up email to receive balance alerts?

You can reach out to your Account  Manager/ ITILITE POC/ CS Manager/  to change/add/delete the email where you receive these notifications/alerts. 

Changes will be reflected within 24 hours of the request.

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